In this video I show you an example of how to blog daily and blog like a pro without even breaking a sweat.
If you know how to speak our your thoughts and record them using smartphones or hand-held recorders or pocket-carryable recorders, you are good to go.
We have a client in Australia, a life coach, who we do a lot of content related stuff for and he does a lot of blogging and we automated his whole process. He sends me short 2-minute recordings of his ramblings via email and what we do is we play those recordings on our audio player and generate a raw transcript before re-formatting them for further use. We then re-format the raw transcript according to his needs. It can be re-formatted to be sent as an e-mail or to be posted as a blog or as FAQ's or any which format you desire.
Should you need more information or would like to receive more blogger resources, please visit